Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Tuesday Trainings

I am lucky enough to have the services of a free Personal Trainer. For the next 8 wks it will be free of charge. woohoo!!!!

Today was Week 1.

We started off with taking my blood pressure, heart rate etc. Then we were off for a 30 minute walk. It was a good walk and on the return were lucky enough to cool down in the rain hahahaha

The next event was balance. I stood on this thing that that looked like an exercise ball cut in half on a flat bottom. I had to stand on it for various activities while I centred my weight/balance.

Then came the wall push-ups, lunges, squats etc etc.

My workout went for 1hr 13mins and I feel buggered :B

My total calorie burn out was 769 woohoo!!!!!

I don't think there is a part of me which isn't aching or burning hahahahaha

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