Tuesday, 4 November 2008

The ICK factor

That is what today has been. I've felt "icky" all day long. Not long after the boys went to school I went back to bed cause I felt really "off". I still feel nauseous and can't wait until its bedtime again. So I don't really have much to say :D

I am, not anxiously but maybe intensely, waiting for Tuesday to begin in USA. I am so interested in seeing how the vote pans out today and who will become the next president elect. I know how significant it would be if Barack Obama wins but personally I wouldn't like to see that. Not because of the colour of his skin but because I really don't believe in his party policies. I strongly believe in the sanctity of marriage and that life is conceived at birth and that from conception it is a baby not a glob of something waiting to turn.

This thought has led me to something that has weighed on my heart and mind for such a long time. I have always supported pro-life from the age of awareness where babies came from. I was a staunch pro-life supporter from the tender age of 13 talking to other girls about babies etc. My parents were not involved in any church and I know my decisions didn't run parallel to alot of family, but they were mine!

What really gets me and makes me cry are those people who raise an uproar over animal abortions but turn their head and look the other way when so many babies are discarded every single day. How can they say that the life of an unborn animal is so much more important than the life of the unborn child? Don't get me wrong, I love animals and animal cruelty sickens me but people are supposed to have dominion over animals not the other way round.

For me, the answer is simple, abortion is wrong and causes a lot more mental stress and damage than having the child does. I know that some will say its easy for me to say this without being there, but how does anyone know what path we have already walked? I would never condemn or judge a woman for having an abortion, I find it extrememly hard not to condemn those who guide a woman to that decision without availing her to support of keeping a baby. My heart cries not only for the lost child but for the woman who has had to make this decision and also to the father who is often given no say. Yes, I know, some women have had no say in becoming pregnant, that's true and heartbreaking. But what say has the child been given. There are so many people who cannot have children who would love the chance to give the discarded child everything they can. In a lifetime, what really is 40 wks?

Okay, I really was only going to post the first two lines but my fingers got away from me and felt I just had to type this.

Word to the wise, I love that delete button :D


Bonnie said...

You do know the delete button doesn't work unless the blog is your own, right ?! ha ha

Never the less, I would not delete this post ! It's great to see you expressing yourself on your blog, Toni ! I loved reading this post and hearing your thoughts !! More More More !!!

Hope you are feeling better soon ! Icky is not nice !!

Bonnie said...

PS ... you've got the boxes I want !! How did you do that ? You'll have to help me do the boxes on mine !!

Toni said...

I was meaning if anyone was abusive I'd delete there comment lol

I'll email my template if you want and we can go through it together :D

Toni said...

oops I meant "their" not "there"